Saturday, February 13, 2010

President Obama to offer nuclear plant loan guarantees

Next week President Obama is expected to offer loan guarantees for two nuclear power plants. This represents $14 billion of the $54 billion available for NPPs in the 2011 budget. This project is expected to employ 3,000 people during construction and 850 people to operate and maintain the NPPs.

This will be the first time in over 30 years we have built a NPP. Today America has 103 NPPs that are producing 20% of our electricity. That means our newest NPP is at least 30 years old. Imagine how out date these NPPs must be. As someone who has been involved in manufacturing his entire career I can tell you there is very little we do the way we did 30 years ago.

I support the President's decision on this and hope he is able to move forward on the construction of these NPPs. However many of the people that supported him during the campaign may not support nuclear power.

How do you feel about President Obama’s decision?


  1. Makes me sick to my stomach. To think that the republicans pronounced Obama "the most liberal member of the senate".
    Not quite. Neither party is in control.(oops, I may have said too much...)
    The decision was political, motivated by corporate money (they have unlimited free speech rights, you know) and ignores the science.

  2. Let not your heart be troubled.

    I agree Obama’s decision was political.

    The first yard of concrete is yet to be poured for these NPPs. Get ready for lengthy litigation during the permit process. I will be surprised if these plants ever sell a single watt of electricity.

    An example the 1989 Shoreham NPP on Long Island was completed and never sold any power. The price was six Billion Dollars. This cost was paid by the tax payers of Long Island. Thank you Governor Cuomo. The environmentalists won.

    Today two windmills are at the Shoreham site generating 1/8000th the electricity the NPP would have produced. Thank you President George W Bush. . The environmentalists won.

    W subsidized windmills all over the country. This is an action that looks good on the surface but produces little if any usable power.

    Administrations will change but the laws of physics do not.
